Oh Grace, what have you done?!
As I have mentioned previously,
Grace is not a verb-unmerited favor.
Instead it is a noun-a person,
and that person is Jesus.
I know that this year has been a year of revelation for me.
A year of enlightenment.
A year of unveiling.
A year of freedom.
A year of becoming fearless.
A year of the revelation of Grace...
of Jesus,
and what He truly accomplished when He died on the cross.
In the Old Testament,
God took his finger and carved on stone the 10 commandments,
the law.
Galatians says the law was given,
"alongside the promise to show people their sins.
But the law was designed to last only until the
coming of a child who was promised...."
So until this point in time in the Old Testament,
man was not fully aware of their sins.
The law came to show them how to live sinless.
Between this time and the time Jesus was born,
there were over 600 laws in place.
Could you imagine having to live under that?!
Do you try to abide by these commandments and laws now?
It is simply impossible.
It is impossible to live by the 10 commandments alone,
much less adding 600 more to it!
If you think you keep the law,
let's do a self check....
Do you keep the Sabbath?
Do you stay home from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday
and do no work? No mowing your yard. No going out to eat.
No cleaning or laundry.
Probably not!
Have you ever taken anything from work?
A pen, a pack of post its, made copies on the company's dime?
Well there goes thou shall not steal.
Have you ever really not liked someone?
Like hated them?!
And now you have thrown murder out the window.
I could keep on going but let's take a moment to talk about
the Good News!
When Jesus was born,
He was born into law.
And He preached law,
but in preaching law He also pointed out
how we cannot keep it.
2 Corinthians 3:7 calls the law the ministry of death and condemnation.
"But if the ministry of death, written and engraved on stones,
was so glorious, so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the
face of Moses because of the glory of his countenance, which glory was
passing away, how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious?
For is the ministry of condemnation had glory,
the ministry of righteousness exceeds much more in glory."
So Jesus took that which was impossible for us upon Himself
and with His body He crucified it on the cross so we could be free from it!
We are no longer bound by the law or commandments.
We are free!
"For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone
who believes."
Romans 10:4
Jesus was that promised child that was mentioned in Galatians.
With Him and his death, burial and resurrection came Grace.
Jesus is Grace.
He brought a New Covenant for us when He poured out
His life on that tree.
"I do not treat the grace of God as meaningless.
For if keeping the law could make us right with God,
then there was no need for Christ to die."
Galatians 2:21
He died for this,
to reconcile us to our Father,
for us to be healthy, free and prosperous.
To live fully in His Grace.
Isn't it just beautiful?!!!

There is so much revelation in this message of Grace and I pray
I can share it with all of you eloquently and with the honor and beauty
it deserves.
This has completely transformed my life and my relationship with the Lord.
I am not the same person I was when I first started blogging again
8 months ago.
Once you have tasted of the freedom that is in this message,
there is no way you can go back to law or what most churches are now-
a mix of law and grace.
I am so full of Him and of joy, hope and expectancy.
I feel like I have been completely reborn,
I've been given a new life.
A life of Grace!!!