Recently I began working out again.
I use to go to the gym several times a week.
I was improving my endurance with running
and making some baby gains in the muscle department.
Burning off the cares and worries of life
and just enjoying pushing myself physically.
Then two years ago,
I started working again.
And between working, doctors and therapy appointments,
kids and the everyday responsibilities of life,
I let it go.
A few times I would start again but I just could not
find the time to fit it in without it
taking away from somewhere else.
All of my children started school full time this year
and my husband told me to take a little time for myself
before going back to work if that's what I chose to do.
I was so excited about this!!....
well not initially, it was quite uncomfortable knowing
I would be home....alone....
without any kids for the first time ever.
I thought to myself,
"I'm going to start working out again!
I'm going to get back to me and take care
of myself like I use to!"
One day after a good morning workout,
I was just thinking about where I may be in a few weeks.
What will I be lifting by then?
Will I see some of those little baby muscles growing?!!
I had this image in my head of what I may look like
or where I would like to get to.
Then I heard the Holy Spirit say,
"Will you truly be happy if you look like that?"
..........I immediately stopped what I was doing and pondered
the depth of His question.
We, as women, are our biggest critics.
We critique every square inch of our bodies.
We assess every wrinkle or line.
We fight every stray gray that emerges in our mane-
which by the way is not what we want-
the curlies want straight and the straight envies the curlies.
We stare in dismay at our abundance of curves or lack there of.
We do not see ourselves as others see us.
We don't have that ability.
But we surely don't see ourselves as He sees us.
The Bible gives us a glimpse into this.
He sees us as
I could go on.
But what I realized is not one of these is speaking of physical qualities.
They are speaking about the heart.
He sees our hearts.
Please do not misunderstand me,
I completely believe that we have to be
good stewards of our bodies.
We have to eat well and build endurance
and take care of ourselves so we can run this
race with tremendous strength and grace!
But our happiness and value cannot rest in this
ideal of obtaining a certain physical look or condition.
It is all temporal and fading.
Proverbs 31:30 says,
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last;
but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised."
When I thought about the Lord's question,
I evaluated my heart.
I know that anything I try to do in my own strength without Him
will not bear fruit or bring me happiness.
So I instantly answered no.
Our value or worth is not found in something we do not have.
It's not found in something someone else may possess.
We do not have to have these feelings of envy or jealousy!
I love what Lisa Bevere wrote in her new book,
"Without Rival",
"Comparison is the thief of joy."
-Theodore Roosevelt

Psalms 139:13-14 says,
"For you formed my inward parts,
you covered me in my mother's womb.
I will praise you,
for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Marvelous are your works
and that my soul knows very well."
You were fearfully and wonderfully
and purposefully made to be
His righteous daughter!!!
Let your value, happiness and identity
to wholly and completely be in what He
thinks and says about you!!
This month marks 6 months since beginning this journey of blogging!!
I want to celebrate by giving away Lisa Bevere's new book
"Without Rival"!!!!
All you have to do is go on Facebook,
Like Love of Poppys page,
comment on the post,
share the blog,
and wait for the winner to be announced on
October 15th!!!
You have a chance to be put in the drawing with each blog post from now
until October 14th!!!
But be sure to follow the instructions to be qualified!!!
Thank you for all of your encouragement and support over the last 6 months!!
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