As we all know, it's the election year.
I honestly do not care for the elections personally.
I understand we need them and their purpose
but every single time it comes around,
it is 24 months of people trying to bash, degrade, and
beat another person into the ground.

This election season though by far seems to exceed all of that
compared to any that I have had the privilege of voting in in the past.
I don't know if it is because I am older and understand more now
or if it is because of ALL of the media outlets-social and mainstream.
But to me it seems that this go around the bashing and degrading
and beating is hitting everyone, individually.
It isn't exclusive to the two or three candidates that may be running.
Everyday I see people beating other people up for their beliefs and convictions.
I am SO over it!!!
(and this just may end up being a little bit of a rant post
but I will be back on my game soon!! ;)
Name calling, dogging each other out, talking negatively about this
candidate or that one, living in absolutes.....
What has infuriated me the most is people leave
No room for Jesus!!!
No room for Love!!!
And I can't help but to feel like we are all missing the point.
While majority of Americans are exercising their freedom of speech
(as I am doing now!)
it is not in a way that reflects the heart of God at all.
Can we just take a time out for a minute?!
We have less than a month left.
I doubt very seriously that there are too many undecided voters
left out there.
So chill out!!!!!
if you are undecided (or even decided)
pray!!! Ask the Holy Spirit who He would have you to choose!!
I hear people saying,
"I'm just not going to vote this year."
If you don't vote this year,
then I don't want to hear any complaining from you in the next 4 years!!!
Don't vote emotionally.
Don't vote on how a candidate makes you feel.
Don't vote because this "way" seems right to you.
Just ask Him and He will tell you what to do.
It's that easy!!
Push yourself out of the picture and let Him guide you.
I'm not here to tell you who to vote for,
only TO vote.
I'm sorry believers,
I do not believe Jesus is going to rescue you from
having to make the choice between Trump or Clinton or Johnson or Stein.
But I do believe that He is wanting to bring much revelation (and peace) to the
American people right now
and we are all too preoccupied with this election
to even hear from Him.
just stop with the whole "America is going to hell in a hand basket" bologna.
God is not going to wipe out America for her sins
because He sent His Son over 2000 years ago to die for
That includes AMERICA!!!!
America will have to suffer the consequences of her
bad decisions but so does my 7 year old daughter.
I love you all!!
I really do!
I love Jesus!
And He is still going to be the same Jesus after this
election is over!
I love this country that we get to live in....
this FREE country!
(Don't trash talk it!
Go to Haiti and come back and then
tell me how bad it is!!)
I love that we get to vote..
and have a voice...
and a choice...
and all I ask is for you to show love too.
We don't always have to react and throw some harsh
statement towards someone when they don't agree with
our own beliefs and convictions.
We can just be silent and keep on loving.
It's so much easier.
Plus, we only have less than a month left of this
political circus that has consumed our lives!!
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