This is a season of change for me
as I mentioned in last week's post .
I honestly feel like this entire year has been a year of change,
a year of letting go.
And it has been SO heartbreaking for me.
I laid my job down to take care of my special needs son
I have let go of any control that I thought I may have had
(who am I kidding?!, control?!!! really?!!),
and I have stepped down from the ministries that I was involved in.
For the past 10 months,
there has been one word that has resonated so loudly in my spirit,
Oh, to get to that place of total and complete surrender in Him.
It requires us to let go of everything!!!!
Especially our desire to control and expect things.
Our expectancy should lie in Him and Him alone,
not in our power or ability to make things turn out a certain way.
Oftentimes, expectations are put upon us....
as we also put expectations on others.
And we put on this backpack of expectations and continue to walk through life,
and each day, more expectations are added into that backpack until eventually
we cannot carry it.
Unnecessary expectations turn into obligations.
And fruit is not born out of obligation.
Love is not born out of obligation.
Joy is not born out of obligation.
Peace is not born out of obligation.
Long-suffering is not born out of obligation.
Kindness is not born out of obligation.
Goodness, Faithfulness, and Gentleness
is not born out of obligation.
Self control is not born out of obligation.
We hold on so tightly thinking we are doing what's honorable and right
when in reality,
it is not what God is requiring of us
and we are stunting our own growth.
But fulfilling what He is wanting to do and where He wants us to go
should flow out of us naturally.
There is a time and a season to let go and walk away.
Because He can't do anything new if we are holding on to the old.
The biggest thing standing between you and your purpose and destiny is
It's not the wrongs that have been done against you.
It's not the pain you've experienced.
And it's not other people.
We are the biggest obstacle standing in God's way of fulfilling His plans for our lives.
Fruit is not born out of obligation
but it is born out of complete surrender to Him
and total dependency on the Holy Spirit.
As uncomfortable as this has been for me,
I KNOW He is faithful.
I KNOW He won't leave me.
I KNOW He has good in store.
And I CHOOSE to hold on to the promises
that He has spoken over my life.
This is not the end,
quite the opposite.
He is beginning a new thing.
Once we let go,
then He has full reign to move, shake, align
and so perfectly put together exactly what
He has in store for this next season.

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