I had an incident yesterday that really bothered
We were in a public place and a woman scolded
my son (rudely!) without giving me a chance to
correct him.....and I get sassy! Ugh!!! And she
got sassy back. Double ugh!! And all of this sass
led to anger-not the good kind.
This doesn't happen to me often at all. I am very
non-confrontational. If anything, I am overly
apologetic...to the point that it's annoying. But there
was something about how someone spoke to my
youngest child that made the Lioness come to the
surface and want to protect her little cub.
Later that evening, I was running through the events of the
day and I felt horrible for the way I acted in that moment.
And it hit me---I wasn't living out of my Spirit!---or was
What does living out of our Spirit look like? Certainly
it is different for everyone just as we all are unique and
not the same. Right?! Does living out of our Spirit look calm?
Sure! In some cases I bet it does look like these wonderful
traits. They are, in fact, called the fruits of the Spirit,
But are there not times when we are to be
and confident?!
Are we not called to speak with authority and power
that can only come from Him? And I'm sure at those
times it may not always be gentle and meek.
Jesus only did what He saw The Father do and He would
only say what He heard The Father speak. Yet, in
knowing this, Jesus criticized and rebuked the Pharisees.
He drove the money changers and people who were
buying and selling out of the temple by knocking over
tables and chairs! This doesn't sound like the Jesus that
is often portrayed to us in church. That calm, cool,
collected 24/7 Jesus. No!!! This sounds like a man that
was passionate!!! Who was bold, fearless and confident
about His Father's business!!!
Back to the incident.
No, I do not think I was living out of my Spirit in that moment.
One way I know is because I reacted instead of responding.
I let my emotions do all of the talking. Another way I know
is because I felt guilt for my reaction. And lastly, the first
thing I thought afterwards (when I was calm!) was I did not
show any love in that moment. I was not an accurate
representation of my Father to that woman or even to my son.
What a WASTE!!!!
There are times when we are called to be calm and quiet,
gentle and patient and to exercise self-control. But then
there are times when we are called to be bold and passionate,
fearless and confident. And it may not look like any of the
things I have listed above and that's ok!!
If we stay in constant communion with Him and we lean
totally and completely on the Holy Spirit, then His grace
will always be more than enough to lead, guide and direct
us through whatever He is calling us to in each and every

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