Here is a re-cap of our last week and a half!!!
I don't know how much more fun we could have tried to
squeeze in here!!
Of course, we had to decorate our mini pumpkins
we got from the pumpkin patch!!!
Our Princess, Sheriff, and Scarecrow!!!!
Then we got to go to the Moody Air Force Base Air Show
with just Booey and Big K!!
It was a blast and this was Big K's first time....
needless to say, this was one excited little boy!!!
I love how much she adores her Daddy!!!
My big guys!!!
This is the Lowndes County Dive and Rescue Team's
new van and rescue boat!!
Daddy is an avid scuba diver and just got
invited to be a member of the Rescue Team!!
We are so proud of him!!!!
They had a setup out at the Air Show this year!!
Go Boys!!!
Then me and my beautiful Princess went to Movie in the Park!!
They were showing Hook!!
We only made it about half way through the movie
because it was a little much for her,
but we both enjoyed the quality time and eating junk food on a
blanket in the dark in the park!! Ha!!
And of course, last but not least, Halloween!!!
October was a pretty grand month!!!
We went through so many changes and the boys both
matured so much!!
Lil' K started sitting up, eating baby food, getting on his knees
trying to, it goes by too quickly.
And Big K really started talking SOOOOOO much more!!
It has been a blast October but now on to the month
that reminds us to be ever thankful for the many blessings
in our lives!!!!!
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