Have you ever struggled letting go?
You knew what you were holding onto wasn't healthy or edifying.
Or God just had something better for you if only you would
take that first step.
Change is painful
Change is uncomfortable.
Change is inevitable.
But there is One who never changes!
Who is the same yesterday, today and forever!
Who is steadfast and passionate in His love
and affection for us.
When I feel in my spirit that change is coming,
I do three things.
1-I take a step back and ask the Holy Spirit to let me
see things differently.
"What does God want to do here?"
"What are His promises over my life?"
"How can I allow Him to prepare my heart for this
next season?"
I give thanks over where I am and where I am
about to go.
3.I remind myself,
"Whatever You have for me Lord,
I choose."
I want to intentionally choose to follow what He
has brought me to each and every day.
None of this catches Him by surprise.
He knew about this long before I was ever born.
And by Him knowing,
means He has already prepared a way through it!!!
So let it go and trust Him!

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