Looking For Love in All the Wrong Places
Part Two in our
To Love and Be Loved Series
One evening I got the chance to escape my children
and go have a very rare treat....a pedicure!
I was so excited about some alone time, the quiet,
and the foot massage!! Forget the painted toes!
Just massage my feet for the whole hour!! ;)
As I am melting my day away in the massage chair,
two men are seated next to me.
They begin their pedicures and conversations about
life and relationships and one man says,
"It's just so hard to find someone good to love."
And he proceeded to talk about infidelity in relationships
and his broken relationship with his parents.
In that moment my heart broke for this man.
The evidence of the deep, natural, God-given desire
to love and be loved was so overwhelming.
Where do we get our model for what love really looks like?
First and foremost from The Father.
He demonstrates His love for His children over and
over in each and every book of the Bible.
from our own mother and father.
We, as parents, are called to be a reflection of the Father's love
to our own children.
If we do not show them what healthy, selfless, sacrificial love looks like
then the world will swoop in and show them everything
that it is not,
slap a big fancy label of deceit on it
and call that "love".
We are to be intentional about the gift that we have been given
when it comes to showing Love to our children.
First, we must examine our hearts and make sure
our motives are pure and have a living, breathing
revelation of Love operating within our own lives.
Next, we must lead our children into all Truth as
the Holy Spirit leads us.
We must talk to them before the world does.
And last, we must pray over our beloved children always!
We must stand in faith knowing that God will
protect them.
He is their Safe Refuge.
He is their Protector.
He is their Shelter.
And no weapon formed against them shall prosper!!!
Psalms 91 & Isaiah 54

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