This long awaited.....dreaded day has finally come.
My oldest starting her first day of school...
preschool that is.
Even though it is preschool, it doesn't make
it any easier.
I have been with her every since she has been born
with the exception of when she has stayed with grandparents,
family members or friends.
She is my most adventurous in that aspect,
I guess because she is the oldest,
the first grandchild on both sides maybe,
I'm not really sure, but she is always off or
visiting someone.
Therefore I didn't think this transition would be
too tough for us.
Showing off her new backpack that
Aunt Audrey bought for her!!!
Of course, during every photo shoot lately
she has to make silly faces!! Hahaha!!
Happy girl!!!
She loved the first day of school!!
But hated the second day!!
She apparently had a meltdown while she was there.
I think it was just too overwhelming for her little
self to take so much change in all at once.
She actually got in the car and said she wasn't going back
the next day!! Hahaha!!
But the third day was great!!
I DID have to bribe her to get out of the
van that morning but no tears so SCORE!!!
Now she looks forward to it!!
Every time I pick her up she
says, "Mom, I didn't cry today!!"
As you can see, now we have no problems!!
Two weeks in and she is loving it!!
I can't believe this time has come
but I will admit that I am enjoying the
little extra time with my boys in the mornings!!
So glad she's enjoying school so far!